Speed tips: deciding what connection is right
The Internet is always expanding, bringing us more, faster, and continually larger web sites. As the ability to increase the content on web pages has grown, so has the amount of data that is required to browse them. A typical website not only includes the content one is looking to view, but also adds, videos that play automatically, and pop-ups asking you to take a survey or subscribe. In 2012 the average web page was 1MB (megabytes), now the average is 3MB. This may not seem like much, but consider how many websites you might view during a month. Do you watch any videos, download music or documents, check your email? All of these things require an increasing amount of data and in turn requires higher Internet speeds in order to view them reasonably. According to the FCC for light, basic use (web browsing, email, basic video, etc.) a 3-8 Mbps (megabits per second) connection is recommended. This is for 1 user on 1 device. If you have 4 devices, a 12-25Mbps connection is suggested. Devices can include anything that is connected to you network, laptops, gaming consoles, smart TVs, and smartphones.
You might recognize this icon from your smartphone or tablet. You might not know that using Facebook app uses about 1.5MB per minute. This is without watching much video content. A video heavy content user can expect to use about 2.6MB per minute. Over a month, that adds up to about 2GB (Gigabytes) per month, for one user.
Like watching the latest music videos or the newest cat video? Streaming videos on YouTube uses about 1GB per hour. If you prefer streaming in full HD, you're looking at about 1.5GB per hour.
Binging your favorite shows on Netflix has changed the way people consume media. For every hour of Netflix you'll be taxing your Internet connection about 1GB. If you want to stream in HD, you'll have to give up about 3GB in an hour.
what does all this mean for me?
So what do all these Gigabytes and Megabits mean? It depends on what you enjoy or would like to enjoy online. The Internet gives us access to images and media that were unthinkable in the past. As of 2016, the FCC defined broadband Internet service at a speed of 25Mbps/3Mbps. This means that one should be able to receive a 25Mbps download speed and a 3Mbps upload speed. The Internet of today and the Internet of the future, is being built around the idea that individuals are able to maintain these kinds of connection speeds. Take a few minutes and think about how many devices are in your home. Are some of them necessary for your business, your children completing schoolwork. or maybe just for family relaxation. Wouldn't it be nice to experience all of these the way they were meant to? Sign up with MtnNet today to get the Internet that's been waiting for you!
If you like to learn more about the changes to Broadband definitions and more specific usage documents Click Here ==>